
Rune Labs Launches AI-Powered Clinical Reports to Aid Parkinson’s Patients

Rune Labs, a precision neurology software company, has launched StrivePD-AI, a GenAI tool designed to enhance care management for Parkinson’s disease patients. This new AI-driven solution was designed to provide personalized monthly reports that track disease progression and generate tailored educational content to support patients, caregivers, and clinicians.

Parkinson’s patients often face gaps in their access to specialized care, says Rune Labs CEO Brian Pepin. The StrivePD-AI reports are designed to fill the care gap between clinician visits, offering data-driven insights into symptom trends, medication efficacy, and risk management strategies, Pepin said.

"There is huge potential in GenAI and large language models to empower patients and assist in making better use of data, correlating symptoms, and communicating complex information in a user-friendly manner," Pepin said in a statement."

Rune Labs' AI algorithms combine Anthropic’s Claude 3.5 Sonnet large language model (LLM) with the company's proprietary clinical guide rails and patient data collected through StrivePD. Patients contribute data via daily symptom reports, medication logs, and activities recorded through platforms such as Apple Fitness. These inputs enable StrivePD-AI to generate comprehensive reports that assist both patients and clinicians in understanding disease progression and optimizing care.

StrivePD-AI also offers recommendations on how to mitigate symptoms like cognitive decline, sleep disturbances, and falls, as well as medication side effects. This information, based on credible sources, is presented in a way that is easily understandable for both patients and caregivers.

Privacy and compliance are central to Rune Labs' approach, with StrivePD-AI reports being HIPAA-compliant and designed to protect patient data. The platform prioritizes transparency and trust, assuring users that their health information is secure while providing actionable insights into their care.

Rune Labs initially made StrivePD-AI available to a limited number of users earlier in the year for testing. Today, the feature is generally available to all StrivePD users, with advanced functionalities being rolled out based on patients' healthcare providers and insurance coverage.

Rune Labs’ broader mission is to facilitate better care management and therapy development in precision neurology. StrivePD is part of this mission, serving not only as a tool for managing Parkinson’s but also as a platform that connects patients to clinical trials, helping drive research and innovation. The company’s focus on large, longitudinal datasets positions it as a key player in both healthcare delivery and pharmaceutical development for neurological disorders.


About the Author

John K. Waters is the editor in chief of a number of sites, with a focus on high-end development, AI and future tech. He's been writing about cutting-edge technologies and culture of Silicon Valley for more than two decades, and he's written more than a dozen books. He also co-scripted the documentary film Silicon Valley: A 100 Year Renaissance, which aired on PBS.  He can be reached at [email protected].

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